Hillview Farms is an Australian owned family farming business dedicated to sustainable farming, delivering fresh produce free of synthetic chemicals direct from their farms to your table. They're committed to supporting the local community and give back 5% of every online sale to a charity or community group.
Visit hillviewfarms.com.au to see the full range of products, fill your shopping cart and please make sure you select 'St Peters Public School' from the drop down menu when you checkout!
Please share with your family and friends and ask them to support St Peters Public School too!
An invitation to St Peters Public School parents and community supporters to join your P&C Association
Want to participate in decision-making that affects the quality of your child’s school experience? Our P&C Association is a not-for-profit organisation, established to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation.
P&C also assists in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
Membership is open to all parents and guardians of SPPS pupils and to all citizens.
Meetings are held monthly. We operate several sub-committees and your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Members agree to follow the P&C Constitution, by-laws, Code of Conduct and sub-committee rules.
Annual membership is $1 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of P&C.
You are recognised as a financial member after the meeting closes at which you submit your payment (the Treasurer will issue you a receipt).
Please complete our membership form.
We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of our P&C!
$5 for 1 ticket, $12 for 3, $20 for 5, $50 for 15
– click here to buy.
We're raising funds for sports equipment, please spend up and support our awesome school!
• The raffle will be drawn on Sunday 22nd May.
• Winners do not need to be present for draw.
• Winners will be contacted to arrange delivery / collection of prizes.