Celebrating #NSWPandCDay 4 March 2020 – a day for school communities to officially recognise and celebrate the contribution made by their P&C Association.
According to the NSW P&C Federation "the efforts of NSW P&Cs now raise over $54 million each year. This figure doesn’t even count the voluntary hours donated by caring and committed parents and community members."
What we do | Following are just a few examples of our many SPPS P&C activities during 2019:
• Held various fundraisers and won grants to fund equipment purchases, upgrades and other activities.
• Contributed funding for: kitchen garden curriculum resources; ipads; school band; PSSA sports transport & resources; and much more...
• Provided volunteers for ethics, art and kitchen garden classes; provided catering and logistic support for various school events; and helped to increase the profile of the school and grow enrolments through local community events.
• Advocated on health, amenity and road safety issues for the school community.
THANK YOU to all of our amazing volunteers, past and present, who help to make our school a better place to learn & grow.
Volunteers build resilient communities | Every 3 years, the United Nations Volunteers produces the 'State of the World's Volunteerism Report' (SWVR). The 2018 SWVR report, named 'The thread that binds', states that volunteers contribute to making their communities more resilient. "local volunteerism provides avenues for collective action to reinforce strengths and resources from within communities. Although local volunteering reflects diverse forms of expression, social action is at its core"
PLEASE JOIN P&C! | An invitation to St Peters Public School parents and community supporters to join your P&C Association
Want to participate in decision-making that affects the quality of your child’s school experience? Our P&C Association is a not-for-profit organisation which promotes the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation. The P&C also assists in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
Annual membership is $1 and entitles you to be involved in the decision making of P&C. Please click here to complete our membership form.
Your participation and contribution will be greatly appreciated, we look forward to welcoming you as a new member!
St Peters Public School P&C Association is a member of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales.
Click here for Federation e-bulletins and journals.
Click here for Federation Media Releases.